
HFCWO Therapy in Thoracic Surgical Patients

Allan JS, et al. | Journal of Respiratory Care | 2009

A clinician rests their hand on a patient's shoulder to provide support.

This study assesed the feasibility of high frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) after thoracic surgery. The result of the study found  84% of patients reported little or no discomfort during therapy.  HFCWO was preferred to conventional chest physiotherapy by a 2:1 margin.

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Care Settings: Acute Care

Clinical Focus: Respiratory Care

Content Type: Journal Articles

Related Products: The Vest® Airway Clearance System

Reference: Allan JS, Garrity JM, Donahue DM. The Utility of High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation in the Post-Operative Management of Thoracic Surgical Patients. Respir Care 2009; 54:340-343.