
Pressure Ulcers: Avoidable or Unavoidable? Results of the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Consensus Conference

Black J, et al. | Ostomy Wound Management | 2011

A clinician takes a patient's blood pressure while the patient rests in a hospital bed.

The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) hosted a conference in 2010 to establish consensus on the avoidability of pressure ulcers. An overall 80% agreement was reached among representatives, with unanimous consensus reached for the following: most PrUs are avoidable; not all PrUs are avoidable; there are situations that render PrU development unavoidable, including hemodynamic instability that is worsened with physical movement and inability to maintain nutrition and hydration status and the presence of an advanced directive prohibiting artificial nutrition/hydration; pressure redistribution surfaces cannot replace turning and repositioning; and if enough pressure was removed from the external body the skin cannot always survive.

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Care Settings: All Care Settings

Clinical Focus: Pressure Ulcer Management

Content Type: Journal Articles

Reference: Black J, Edsberg L, Baharestani M, Langemo D, et al. Pressure Ulcers: Avoidable or Unavoidable? Results of the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Consensus Conference. Ostomy Wound Management. 2011; 57:24-37.